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How to feel good about yourself

How to feel good about yourself

What do you think of yourself?  Do you spend time fretting that you aren't amusing or that your nose is too big or avoiding intimacy because you think that no one could possibly fancy your thunder thighs?

Self-esteem and self-image are two sides of the same coin. Accepting yourself for who you are, valuing your good points rather than always focussing on what you imagine is wrong with you adds up to confidence. And there is nothing more sexy than confidence. It's a comfortable glow that comes from within and warms people to you. 

Self-esteem doesn't mean being big headed, it's about the value you put on yourself, it means believing in your effectiveness and being at ease with your self-image. It frees you up to be open to the world and the people around you. Being overly self-critical makes you feel bad about yourself, (and remember whatever you are telling yourself probably isn't true,) and can make you behave in self- defeating ways. For instance if you feel that you aren't sexy you won't treat yourself to attractive clothes or if you believe that you are boring you may not risk meeting people.
The second reason is so you will take steps to shield yourself energetically every day and reinforce that shield when entering places like hospitals, prisons, or even concert halls and bars. Wherever people congregate, there will be collective energy in that space. Often it contains energy you’d rather not be picking up on and feeling.

Liking yourself

Instead of feeling even more negative because you have low self-esteem here are some positive ways to strengthen your sense of self.

  • Ask someone close to you to list what they like about you and your appearance. You'll be agreeably surprised. Now do the same about yourself.
  • Ask yourself just what it is you are afraid of people finding out about you. Then take a reality check ? They chances are you are underestimating yourself.
  • What are you telling yourself that stops you feeling good about yourself? What difference would it make if you did feel good about yourself? Advise yourself about ways to feel better as though you were a friend.
  • Try behaving as if you really do feel confident and notice the difference.
  • Treat yourself as though you mattered, give yourself permission to enjoy yourself.
  • Think about the times when things went well, reflect about what you did then and, whatever it was, do more of it.
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